Declutter your heart.

Let the leaves fall and die.
They can keep you warm for a while, but eventually must be blown away.

Break yourself open and
Let your blood flow
Frigid and awake like a melted avalanche
Or scorching and slow like molten lava. 

Open to joy even when you don’t understand it.
Let your muse be a muse,
No questions asked.

There is no normal or specific,
just a life and a love and the living. 

Pink, a playful invitation

Red, a liberation

Blue, sadness released sky high

Green, steady as a tree

Teal, expansive as the sea

Black, a velvet blanket

And white, empty and free

The complexities of you

Are written in the palms of your hands -

Deep grooves and dynamic shapes

Earthy callouses and endless layers.

picking up
where I left off.

same soul,
new boots.
skin shed
raw heart,
realized potential.

mended and secure.
committed to companionship
and the innocence within me.

A moment set in stone

Time placed on mud

Baked into forever

A piece of my heart sits on your kitchen windowsill

Reminding me of who I am and what l've been

Did you notice the stars in my eyes when saw it?

These days memory feels few and far between

But when I see pottery that l've formed, scribed, and colored, I recall all parts of the making and memories surrounding it.

Walk the path

Make the journey

Take the detours

Circle back

Each time with an evolved landscape And remodeled equipment

Past potential and resting in full, luxurious bloom you will find motherhood - the summertime of womanhood. With or without a child, a woman can become a mother. The passage is painful and scarred. Society says a mother is confined to blandness and four walls. Contrary, she is full bodied and self assured. No longer striving to delicately fit into a man’s world. A mother is full of fire and earth, ready to give and receive. She knows what she wants and gets it, knows what she has access to and gives it. A mother is a divine force of love and purpose.

Devotion is
The discipline of learning and
To such a depth that
Love of the practices, stories, and knowledge are baked deep into
The core of your soul.

I’ve run into lost parts of myself

Surprised because

I didn’t realized I had pushed those aspects away.

I worry that I don’t have the capacity to reclaim the forgotten pieces and keep a ground in the roots I’ve laid.

Am I tender enough?

Have I adequately expanded to

To accept myself as I am and stand strong in the reality of life?

When I get lost in the thought of

Who I am

I remember that I am still the girl

Whose heart overflows when she looks at the sky

Or senses a thunderstorm

Who takes a while to open up, but notices each moment she’s given the chance to do so

Looking to be steeped in an embrace of life through love and nature.

Push and pull.

Give and receive.

Open and grounded.

Expand and protect.

Rest and action.

Work and play.

What you do matters

To one soul or more

You radiate; soft and warm.

With Love baked in;

Sweetness sprinkled on top;

A bow gently secured around.

Keep going,

One foot in front of the other.

Swift or slow; honor your rhythm.

Give yourself rest;

Offer others space;

The flow will carry you.

In the same way I shift and change as an individual, the way I care for, accept, and validate myself does too. All I can do is my best to keep up.

I am still learning

to give myself

a daily dose of rest

Even when it feels like

I don’t need it.

I am still learning

to take a few steps back


I am still learning

to be gentle with


When I miss the signs

and end up desperate.

I am still learning

what it means

to be a stable force

Incomplete, unfinished, and attentive.

The push and pull

Ebb and flow

Together and apart

The rhythm of existence is


And smooth

Skinny and wide

Perfectly unfinished.

Full of love, life and luster.

To swing is to be in rhythm.

Suspended in time.

Held but still weightless. And free.

Tethered and trusting.

Flowing and flying.

Feeling a force that you cannot see.

It's what's on the inside that matters.

Devoting time to

Melting down layers

Of powder

And falsities.

Attending to love and grief, anger and bliss.

Burning away concealers

And peels

Glow true from the inside out.

Haggard with wisdom, weathered with life.

Pure, always at home.

She spun a web that was

fibered with peace; the bridge thread on truth.

Me, caught in the web of austerity;

facing the pain with fierce action and love.

Then soreness falls away.

Joy is fuller; love is deeper.

You know when she's there and look for

her when she's not.

Unattached, yet still connected.

When joy knocks on your door,

Please let her in.

In the same way we acknowledge anger and grief,

Open to joy.

Look for her. Listen to her. Accept her as she is.

Your beauty lies

In the way you move

Through the world.

With steadiness


And ferocity.

Accepting your reality.

Maintaining your aim.

Breaking free.

Moving through.

Following love.

Taking in life.

And resting when you can.